Category: Marvel

Holy $#!% – More New Character Cars Than You Can Shake a Stick At!

It’s been a few months since the trickle of Character Cars has ebbed away, but boy oh boy is Mattel / Hot Wheels making up for lost time as we move into Holiday 2022. Not so long ago I reported on 5 then-upcoming Character Cars: Jaws, Godzilla, E.T., Crash Bandicoot, & Spyro. Check out that article right here complete with pictures!

In addition to those 5, it looks like 8 more have made their way into the market as we speak! The categorial breakdown is just a little confusing, but it looks like we have 2 branded with Nickelodeon, 5 more under the Dreamworks banner, and a straggler from the enormous Marvel camp.

She-Hulk Character Car

  • Marvel
    • She-Hulk
  • Nickelodeon
    • Aang
    • Appa
  • Dreamworks
    • Shrek
    • Donkey
    • Po Ping
    • Toothless
    • Puss in Boots
Aang Character Car

Nickelodeon – Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Appa Character Car

Nickelodeon – Appa (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Don’t forget to click here to check out pics of Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Godzilla, Jaws, & E.T.!

Shrek Character Car

Dreamworks – Shrek

Donkey Character Car

Dreamworks – Donkey

Puss in Boots Character Car

Dreamworks – Puss in Boots

Toothless Character Car

Dreamworks – Toothless

Po Ping Character Car

Dreamworks – Po Ping

Thoughts? Who are you looking forward to snatching up? I think I’m most looking forward to that first wave with the Activision characters and movie critters, plus I’m really diggin’ the bicycle on E.T.! She-Hulk is looking pretty cool too!

Marvel’s Civil War – with Character Cars

I have been collecting Character Cars for a looong time now, and I remember being excited about the possibilities around the time the MCU’s Captain America: Civil War came out, otherwise known as “Avengers 2.5.” I was at Walmart one night with my mom and my kid – who was very much a little boy back then – and he ran off to the toys while my mom and I dealt with the groceries. In less than 5 minutes he came bounding back, and he had what was at the time very exciting to my collector brain: Vision and Winter Soldier (as Character Cars, obviously). The series was somewhat less predictable back then so it was a real treat to just stumble across these two.

After we’d seen Civil War in the theaters, we quickly realized that, with the existing Character Cars, we were very close to having all 12 of the major players. We were, unfortunately, missing one: the Scarlet Witch a.k.a. Wanda Maximoff back then. My collector brain felt profoundly unfulfilled, and I waited and waited for a Scarlet Witch car to drop, which I was utterly convinced was going to happen.

It didn’t.

Civil War came and went and eventually there was a Doctor Strange car on the shelf (the only car we got from that movie…) and I had to put my hopes for Scarlet Witch on the backburner. Almost 2 years passed before Infinity War was a thing, and after seeing it I thought for friggin’ sure we’d get said Scarlet Witch car. But no. This thought process repeated once again with the release of Endgame and I was beginning to think we’d never get her in Character Car form in much the same way we were never going to see Ego or Whiplash or Abomination. I was pretty pissed off when Rescue dropped near the tail end of the Endgame wave though.

Then came WandaVision, and if Hot Wheels was going to capitalize off of this at all then they’d be remiss not to include Scarlet Witch. And they did! She even got a re-release for Multiverse of Madness! With her in hand, I was finally able to put together the Civil War conflict with all 12 players.

Civil War Character Cars

I actually made it a point to use cars that were specific to that era, even if newer versions were available, as in the case of Captain America, Iron Man, War Machine, Black Widow, etc. The somewhat exception here is Spider-Man: this version did not exist at the time of Civil War. However, I chose this version because it would later represent the “new” MCU depiction of Spider-Man while the older version was created long before these things were tied to the films.

Team Iron Man

Team Iron Man

L to R: Iron Man Mark XLVI, War Machine, Black Panther, Black Widow, Vision, Spider-Man

Team Captain America

Team Captain America

L to R: Captain America, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man

Now that is satisfying!

New MARVEL Character Cars (from Multiverse of Madness and Love & Thunder)

Marvel is really barreling through Phase 4 with the help of Disney and 2 upcoming films. Unfortunately it looks like we’re only getting 2 new Character Cars out of it all, though the way the cards are labeled (with the “new for 2022” thing) it makes it look like there are 4 new cars. The “real” newbies are Mighty Thor (a.k.a. Jane Foster as Thor) and America Chavez. No argument here. The other 2 are Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange. I bought both of these just in case, and I can say with 100% certainty that the Scarlet Witch car is exactly the same as the initial release back with the WandaVision et al wave. As far as Dr. Strange goes, if there are any differences, they are quite minor. I don’t see anything different at a cursory glance, but I’m gonna need to dig the old one out and probably open up the new one to see for sure.

Marvel Character Cars

All that being said, if you don’t want to waste money on duplicates and you’ve been keeping up, I feel safe in saying the only ones you really need to pick up are Mighty Thor and America Chavez.

Mighty Thor Character Car

The Mighty Thor looks great. The majority of the char is shiny silver with the cape colored red. It has a similar shape to the Supergirl and Superman Character cars, a simple but effective to convey a hero and his/her cape. The gray and dark red accents give it a royal flavor and a clear chassis bleeds past the front and back to create small clear spikes on the front and back below the bumpers.

America Chavez Character Car

America Chavez looks like a vehicle that has just come out of a demolition derby. She’s very stripped down and bare bones with lots of exposed engine and exhaust elements. I don’t know enough about America for this car to jump out at me as a character.

And so Marvel adds 2 good guys and 0 bad guys to its storied roster! Who’s next!?

Marvel Character Cars

The Latest Marvel Character Cars

Yes, these have been out for a minute now but honestly I’ve had a tough time finding them. As per the usual, the cars come in cases of 8, leaving room for a few re-releases to be peppered in. Our newcomers are:

Marvel Character Cars

  • Scarlet Witch
  • Vision (White version from WandaVision)
  • Captain American (formerly The Falcon)
  • Shang Chi

And then there’s one more that raises my eyebrow list a lil’ bit…

  • Black Widow

Black Widow

Black Widow

Different versions of Black Widow have existed throughout the years, mostly involving small changes of color. The almost all matte black version in this case caught my eye at first, however, the previous version from The Black Widow film is exactly the same and I never have counted it as “new” so it’s all a it up in the air for the moment.

Scarlet Witch

Anyway, moving on to what we’re sure of, we finally get a Scarlet Witch Character Car! I have been waiting for this thing for years, literally. I still remember when cars were trickling out on the heels of Civil War and one night out of the clear blue my kid spotted cars for Vision and Winter Soldier. With these 2 under our belt, we were just 1 car away from the 6-on-6 fight that was Captain America 3: Civil War…all we needed was Scarlet Witch to be that sixth leg on Team Cap.

(In case you forgot (sometimes I do) the battle lines were thusly drawn: War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, Vision, & Spider-Man were with Iron Man and Falcon, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, & Winter Soldier sided with Captain America.)

And so we waited, fairly confident that she’d drop somewhere during Infinity War’s run, but no. Then came Endgame and we’re all like “hell yeah!” but no no no, we got freakin’ Pepper Potts’ 13 seconds of flying around as Rescue! I had all but given up and then on a whimsical search for new character cars she popped up…

I was surprised to see her in her more X-Men-era garb but I will certainly take what I can get! She comes to us on the heels of WandaVision, a limited-run series on Disney’s Disney+ streaming service. I have to wonder, if not for this, would we have ever gotten her…??

(White) Vision

Well, we definitely (probably) wouldn’t’ve gotten white Vision without WandaVision. This is a version of Vision without his memories and emotions, so while that doesn’t exactly spell “bad guy,” it certainly moves him away from Wanda and his other comrades.

I do like the new paint job on the car though. Vision always had one of the coolest shapes, and while it would’ve been easiest to just paint it all white, there’s lots of bits of shading and the pastel aqua on the fenders and that very bizarre silver top on the back half of the car. It’s not even just straight silver, it’s got faint white designs and that beautiful wave of rose that looks more like a trick of the light than a deliberate part of the paint job.

Captain America / Falcon

Coming from another Disney+ series, The Falcon and the Winter Solider, we get “Captain America”, or at least the post-Steve Rogers Cap. I don’t have a problem with Falcon changing his name or the mantle of Captain America being passed along; what feels supremely weird to me is giving Falcon a new “Falcon suit” with the Cap color scheme and now calling him “Captain America.” They applied this exact same strategy to the Character Car.

What we have is Sam Wilson’s Falcon car with a fresh, shiny Captain America paint job and voila this is now Captain America. I wish they would’ve updated the design just a little and maybe worked the shield in somehow. And I get that they’re trying to maintain a “Captain America” persona and define him as a symbol and not any one particular person but damn, for the sake of confusion can we pleeease do something with regards to a name change…? We’ll already be relegated to saying something like “Steven Rogers Cap” or “Sam Wilson Cap” (assuming people can remember Steven Rogers and Sam Wilson), or more likely “original Cap” versus “used-to-be Falcon Cap”, so just give us a snazzy update to the name instead.

Note: I dunno if anyone remembers, but way back in like 2015 there was a nifty 3-pack of Character Cars exclusive to ComiCon, featuring what were essentially repaints of Iron Man, Falcon, and Spider-Man. These “repaints” were used to represent completely different characters, and so we had, officially, Superior Iron Man, All-New Captain America, and Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, respectively. As far as comic lore goes, I really don’t know how or if this fits into what’s going on now in the MCU, though it seems kinda similar – someone who was Falcon takes over the role of Cap while still maintaining a degree of Falcon-ness. Obviously this set was made to represent certain moments in actual comic book history whereas this latest car is celebrating a development within the MCU but I have to wonder if this “All New Cap” and “Falcon becomes Cap” are essentially one in the same. Thoughts…?


Now we move on to this Shang-Chi guy. I’ll be honest: what an out-of-left-field IP for Marvel to drop a few million on. I know they want to beef up the popularity and recognition of some of these lesser known characters, but why not pull them in on the heels of someone else well-known instead of just cold-dropping an entire film based on a guy most of us have never heard of? Call him in for an assist in the third act of a Spidey flick, let him help out a couple of supporting characters in the B-plot of the next Guardians movie, you get the idea.

Anyway, the car is painted like the clothes the dude wears…what more can I say? He doesn’t have any special features or accessories or anything, at least not in all the promo stills I’ve seen. The spoiler on the car looks to be made out of a bo (bō) (a staff, like Donatello’s weapon) but I only see a couple of pics of Shang-Chi with something like a bō and they’re all taken from comics.

As the titular character of a movie, I have no problem with Shang-Chi getting his own car – in fact I’m 100% for it. But if anything, it exacerbates this problem with marketing and recognition…we just don’t know this guy enough to icon-ize him as an inanimate object, nor can we convey something very basic and visceral that’ll stick with us despite minimal marketing. All I think is “10 rings” and I don’t think I’ve even seen 1 damn ring.

Yeah that was kind of a rant-y entry to talk about some cars, eh? Oh well. Variety is the spice of life. Enjoy!

New Marvel Character Cars