INFINITY WAR 3-packs with Exclusive Character Cars

Agh, when will this madness end!? Just when it looked like we were about to wrap up this massive line of mostly re-releases and repaints, I stumbled across the very products mentioned in the title.

Now to be clear I don’t know if these things exist yet or if they’re on the horizon or they’re mainly an overseas product not getting a lot of attention from US vendors or what. Remember that weird Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 5-pack with the exclusive “greenish” tinted version of Groot Go-Kart? Probably not…? I barely caught site of it myself, and it still doesn’t seem to be all that prolific. I guess I’m just really nervous about how far under the radar these will fly, especially as the movie’s popularity wanes.

My other concern is that Walmarts and Targets – at least in my little slice of the world – haven’t been so great at getting anything but singles for quite sometime now. Way back 2-packs could be found at both stores and Target would routinely stock the latest 5-pack, but it’s been a while – neither stocked any of the 2-packs from Last Jedi (found all those at TRU, saw some occasionally at Barnes & Noble), I never found the Justice League 5-pack anywhere, that Rogue One 5-pack was especially elusive, and then 2-packs from Spider-Man: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Wonder Woman, and Justice League were never anywhere except TRU that I saw. What I’m getting at is that Toys R Us was always the haven for these lesser-known multi-packs, and without TRU there, what can we expect?

Each of the 3-packs contains an exclusive – an exclusive that I’m sure will slip into obscurity relatively quickly which is all the more reason you’ll want to find these ASAP if you’re anything like me!

The first one contains Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the exclusive Transforming Armor Iron Man. Still another repaint, but if anything, he looks kinda busted up and battle damaged. How cool would that be if they made a Transformers-esque Hot Wheels though…?

Infinity War Character Cars 3-Pack

Transforming Armor Iron Man Character Car

The second set contains Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and the exclusive Charged-Up Thor. Not a huge change from his lightning-laden Infinity War look but if they say it’s different I’ll take their word for it until I see otherwise…

Infinity War Character Cars 3-Pack

Charged-Up Thor Character Car

There we have it! If you guys and gals out there know anything about these packs at all please please please let me know! Hopefully it’ll be as simple as walking into Walmart a few weeks down the road but something in my gut tells me otherwise…

That’s it for now….and you’re welcome for adding 2 more cars to your list.

2 thoughts on “INFINITY WAR 3-packs with Exclusive Character Cars

  1. It’s really odd how Hot Wheels distributes the various waves of models.
    I found loads of these in Jakarta, Indonesia, just before the release of the Infinity Wars movie – while from what you say, they just popped out in the US.
    Also most of the packs you say where relatively easier to find here. I got the Rogue One 5-Pack easily here.
    Those that never really appear here were the Rogue One 2-packs of Jyn Wrap & Commander Krennic, Hera Syndulla & Chopper, Han Solo & Freedom…
    I got the Spider-Man Homecoming packs in Singapore and the Guardians of the Galaxy vol2 5-Pack in Italy.
    Crazy huh?


    1. I’m sorry for the late reply! But yeah, I’ve heard about how the availability can vary greatly from country to country. That Guardians 2-pack was definitely a non-US thing, and the Rogue One 5-pack…I don’t even know what was up with that. They’re pretty valuable on eBay nowadays. As for the Hera/Chopper and Krennic/Jyn 2-packs, to the best of my knowledge they were exclusive to the website. I remember it took them awhile to pop up on the secondary market and when they did, they were pricey. I try to keep a close eye on the website for this very reason; I was lucky and had a lot of people telling me about these 2 when they came out.


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