Tag: lightyear character cars

Exclusive LIGHTYEAR Character Cars – Only in Boxset!

Have you read over my spiel on the Disney Princess Character Car boxset yet? If you haven’t you probably should. I go into a little bit of detail about the current state of the Character Car boxset and I think it’d be pointless to reiterate all of that here. And if you don’t care about any of that then lucky you!

First of all, hearing that Lightyear is totally tanking is depressing. I don’t want to pass judgement until seeing it myself but man, it was a bummer running up on all the Lightyear toys today marked down for clearance. (Not them damn LEGOs though…) However, this is good news if you want the Lightyear Boxset that I’m gettin’ ready to tell you about; instead of the standard $19.99, as of writing this it is down to $9.99! That’s pretty cool.

Disney LIGHTYEAR Character Cars Boxset

Interestingly enough, the boxset contains 2 exclusives instead of just 1. The drawback here is that only 3 of the 4 singles are included, so even if you grab the box before hunting for the singles you’ll still need to find the individual XL-01 Buzz Lightyear. The box will contain the other 3 (Space Ranger Alpha Buzz Lightyear (referred to as just “Buzz Lightyear” on the boxset’s packaging), Sox, and Izzy Hawthorne). The frankly awesome exclusives are Zyclops and Zurg.

Zyclops Character Car

I really dig how the humanoid robot forms of Zyclops & Zurg translate into their respective vehicles. The visors form the windshields and all the little details and markings you would expect ona robot are well placed. Zyclops’ arms fold up and under the sides, forming what would be the front doors. They end up looking like huge cannons just behind the front wheels.

Zurg Character Car

Zurg is even more menacing. In addition to the red “eyes,” he also sports the grille that doubles as his oversized frown. His general form is a spacey, futuristic tank, complete with 6 whole wheels. I love all the little lines and panels that give it a retro, toyetic, techy look. The standout feature is probably the big triple-barreled cannon mounted at the mid-rear (I think this is analogous to Zurg’s arm cannon). All in all I think it’s a great design and I really love that purple. (I think Hot Wheels calls it “royal violet,” ha!)

Zurg & Zyclops

Fun Fact: This is actually our second Zurg Character Car – the first one came to us back with the release of Toy Story 3!

I had hoped that with the single and the set and all the other formats in which Lightyear stuff is getting to us in that we might get to see a few continued releases of Hot Wheels stuff but now it seems pretty certain that the nails are already going into Lightear’s coffin. I thought the idea was cool but I certainly don’t put it beyond Disney to screw up a sure thing – look at how they’ve maimed Star Wars. Until next time…

LIGHTYEAR Character Cars

NOTE: The pics for this article didn’t turn out great for some reason; I think some settings on the camera may have been different. I did get some passable images from the lot and decided to run with it. Hopefully I’ll be able to do a reshoot and replace them with something better in the near future.

I finally found the Lightyear Character Cars about a week and a half ago and ever since then they’ve started to pop up almost everywhere! These cars are based on the Disney flick Lightyear, which came out this past week. At the time of writing this I haven’t seen it, so my commentary is limited. From what I do understand, the film looks at the Buzz Lightyear toy (from the Toy Story movies) as a real toy based on the real-life exploits of an actual Buzz Lightyear. Lightyear will then depict the “actual” events of Buzz Lightyear’s life (or some portion thereof). It gets kinda meta but I can dig it.

Lightyear Character Cars

(After a little bit of thinking – and hell, maybe the film will answer this, if so then great – I started to wonder why Disney inserted the, “Buzz Lightyear is a toy” step. Why not just be like, “this is a film about Buzz Lightyear” period. I guess it’s because they wanted to ground “toy Buzz Lightyear” firmly in the world of toys and provide some framework for a “real-life Buzz.”)

The line-up is comprised of 4 cars:

  • Space Ranger Alpha Buzz Lightyear
  • Izzy Hawthorne
  • Sox
  • XL-01 Buzz Lightyear

Curiously it would seem as if Disney wants to treat every single outfit for Buzz (1 per ship) as a different character – this becomes even more evident when you start looking at the action figures that have been released so far. I think it’s kinda strange that nothing Zurg-like is included in the line-up, but this could just mean that future waves are on the way.

Space Ranger Alpha Buzz Lightyear Character Car

Space Ranger Alpha Buzz Lightyear is the classic Buzz we all remember from Toy Story and its sequels. The purple and green color scheme is immediately recognizable. I love all the panels and curves and spots and vents…it definitely strikes a cool middle ground between spaceship and hypercar.

Izzy Hawthorne Character Car

Izzy Hawthorne is next…and I know nothing about her. The vehicle itself looks like a Character Car from the days of Star Wars: Rebels. It’s very rugged and utilitarian looking, with some tech-y compartments scattered around. Hopefully this’ll all make a little more sense once we know who Izzy is.

Sox Character Car

So I reckon that Sox is someone’s…cat? If we’re going from cat to car, it looks pretty good. I do like those green eyes.

XL-01 Buzz Lightyear

Last up is Buzz in another suit, the XL-01 Buzz Lightyear. I don’t know how to comment on the transformation from XL flightsuit to car, but I can see the inspiration here. It’s all very technical and busy. For whatever reason, the back half does look quite similar to a spaceship.

Lightyear Character Cars

I may lack the necessary knowledge of “Lightyear lore” to effectively comment on these new cars, but I do think they’re pretty cool. I guess Sox could be considered a bit lazy but the designers have poured a ton of detail and attention into the others and if it takes counting Buzz Lightyear as a character 7 times to give us some cool stuff, well, I’m ok with that. Seems like this could be the sort of IP that we get multiple waves from.

Update: New 2022 Character Cars

Almost immediately after making my first list of brand new Character Cars, I started finding out about even more of ’em. Most of these waves include other Character Cars that have already been released, so I’m only going to bother with new new new ones. That being said, the Doctor Strange car is marked as “new for 2022” but unless it’s colored differently and I just can’t tell, I’m pretty sure it’s the same car we got a few years back.

I am also leaving out DC and Star Wars because at this moment their “newest” cars have been around for a bit; DC getting the 3 from The Batman, and Bo Katan plus Boba in his new digs from Star Wars.


  • America Chavez (“Miss America”)
  • The Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)
  • Doctor Strange (dubious)


  • Chip
  • Hercules
  • Robin Hood
  • Remy (?)
  • Dug (?)

Sanrio / Hello Kitty

  • My Melody
  • Cinnamaroll

Jurassic World: Dominion

  • Velociraptor ‘Beta’
  • Giganotosaurus


  • Space Ranger Alpha Buzz Lightyear
  • XL-01 Buzz Lightyear
  • Izzy Hawthorne
  • Sox
  • (something Zurg related…?)

Man oh man, that is a lot to look out for! If you want to give me some money for time and travel there’s a link to the right to donate, otherwise stick around and I’ll get ’em when I get ’em… But honestly, stores around here have been total crap when it comes to stocking new stuff. If there is other new stuff you know of please let me know so I know what to keep an eye out for!